Final Fantasy 7
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The first Final Fantasy i ever played.
This was the first Final Fantasy game i ever played on any gaming system. I actually bought it in Bali in the year 1997 for about .00 Australian dollars.
I remember picking it up and thinking to myself how well the story read. So i bought it, thinking it might be a bit of fun... not realising that after playing it, the FF series of games would begin taking over my life :)

The Story.
What begins as a rebellion against an evil corporation becomes much more. And what erupts goes beyond imagination.

Mako is the life-force of the planet. It seems that an evil power company called Shinra, Inc. has found a way to mine this life energy, draining it from the earth, and using it to control the universe. Fortunately, a resistance organization know as AVALANCHE, has vowed to put an end to Shinra's destructive practices. The story focuses on Cloud, an ex-soldier of Shinra, who teams up with AVALANCHE, and along the way, encounters some very mysterious and powerful allies who help him fight against the deadly creatures Shinra has created to protect its empire. You, as the game player, will decide their fate.

Final Fantasy 7 was released on the PS1 on 3 CDs.

I still regard this as the best game i have ever played.